sof’ boy one of my fave comic characters created by one of my fave cartoonists, archer prewitt from the band ‘the sea and cake,’ and press pop one of my fave comic merchandising companies out of japan created a 2 foot tall sof’ boy figurine. here’s a great slideshow commericial of the figurine with flash animation and sound design:
in a little while, i’ll have more to say about these 2 titans of art house cinema (especially in the 1960s) who passed on within hours of each other last week. but for now enjoy some images of each director and their muses plus posters from 2 of their well-known films, ‘persona’ and ‘l’eclisse.’
antonioni & the lovely monica vitti with the special jury prize from the 1960 cannes film festival. ‘l’avventura’ was intially booed by the audience until a group of directors and film critics stepped forward and signed and publicly presented a petition of their support for antionioni’s film, which lead to the special jury prize. antonioni’s reputation as a key figure in international art house cinema was forever cemented from this prize.
fantagraphics’ flog! mention for pix i took of graphic novelist paul hornschemeier at modern times bookstore during the san francisco stop of his west coast signing tour. paul's a good guy who writes some vivid prose too, in addition to illustrating. and he read to those of us in attendance… a real surprise treat.
ADDENDUM 08.03.07: paul hornschemeier blog mention and also a really humorous account (a terrific demonstration of how funny paul’s writing is) of how things went down the nite of the signing. thanks again for the mention paul.