Monday, March 12, 2007

flickr pictobrowser

new widget that draws from my flickr photosets. this is a test using my portrait & design projects and MAC (modern appealing clothing) case study photosets. let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

Do you get to pic the photos in the series? Because you have selected some of my favorites!
I had fun today.

cad pictures said...

yes, you can pick the photos… the pictobrowser is a flash file derived from your flickr set, so you have to create the set in flickr first and then the pictobrowser comes up with choices based on your flickr sets. (click the word ‘INFO’ on my pictobrowser to have the flash file generated for your own pictobrowser.)

thanks… i plan on doing more customized sets of events i photograph, in order to compliment future blog entries.

yes, it was nice to just sit outside and take in the sun while chatting.